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February 13th, 2018, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Phillips has been working on Tanglewood, a new game for the Sega Mega Drive, for a few years now. Set to release sometime this year, the project has been a challenging endeavour but one which hasn’t dissuaded its creator from doing the same thing for his next game.
Tanglewood is a retro platformer that Big Evil Corporation, Phillips' game studio, got funded on Kickstarter back in late 2016. Taking inspiration from the art and movement of games like Another World and The Lion King, the aim was to recreate an authentic Sega Mega Drive game from the ground-up. The cartridges were originally supposed to ship out last November, but perhaps not surprisingly the project has undergone some delays.
Phillips recently caught up with the BBC to talk briefly about the reasons behind the game and how working on it has been. The developer said he’s been wanting to do something like this ever since he was a kid. Not content simply to do an homage on PC as so many other indie retroists have, he aimed to fulfil the dream he’d had back when he was still to young to actually act on it. It’s not been easy though.
Phillips’ development setup for making his Sega game. Image via BBC
“One of the biggest problems I face is none of this old equipment works very well anymore, I’ve had more repairs on this thing can I can count,” Phillips told the BBC. He’s been using an original Mega CD development kit alongside a computer running Windows 95 to program Tanglewood after first learning his way around the technology by making versions of Pong and Tetris. The major difficulties have been finding ways to continually optimise his code and employ helpful compression techniques.
On the hardware side, Philips told the news outlet he was able to find a factory in China who would produce the mould for him in order to produce a limited run of plastic Sega cartridges. For the actual PCBs (printed circuit boards) that the game will be running on, he’s relied on a contact he has in Canada. That person turns out to be an engineer and proprietor of DB Electronics, a retro hardware storefront who designed Tanglewood’s PCBs (I would tell you his name but even his Twitter account simply says “A guy in Canada”).
via http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2018/02/12/m...rive-isnt-easy
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February 13th, 2018, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Sega Game Gear homebrew release:
Before Chris Read made a Game Boy release of oranges., there was one for the Sega Game Gear three months ago.
Bob is stuck in the orange packaging plant where the packing machine has gone out of control and is spitting out oranges all over the place! Why? Some idiot poured radioactive goop all over it and so the oranges turned radioactive! So, locked into the room, Bob needs to dodge the oranges the Orange-O-Matic spits out or else he’s toast, which would go good with oranges for a nutritious breakfast. Most items are useful. They help Bob survive. Some can be annoying, though. Here’s the items that are in the game so far.
via http://pdroms.de/gamegear/oranges-v2017-11-14-gg-game
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February 8th, 2018, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Sega Saturn emulator for PC:
Yaba Sanshiro (originally called Yabause Devmiyax) v1.5.2 is compiled. There's a new version of Yabause from japanese developper Devmiyax, based on his recent android port uoYabause. This version is a great improvement from original Yabause, on par with SSF and even better on some games. Yabause is a Sega Saturn Emulator(SS Emulator) for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.
Yaba Sanshiro Changelog:
* Rotate 90 degree
* Enable sustained performance mode
* fixes: Key setting too sensitive
* fixes: #496 [SF3] Window does not work
* fixes: start up crash below Android 7
download https://github.com/devmiyax/yabause
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/02/yaba-sanshiro-v152.html
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February 2nd, 2018, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Time for the Sega Master System to get some nice release news, heres the release news:
Waimanu slips into his next adventure with Weka Invaders. Mid of December 2017 Disjointed Studio made sure that Master System lovers were not bored during christmas and new year. But who says this game is just limited to this time frame?
Waimanu should shoot metal blocks and wekas that might be hiding in them. Some blocks also can hide power-ups which can give Waimanu new features such as temporary multiple-fire or increased speed.
Via http://pdroms.de/mastersystem/weka-i...er-system-game
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January 29th, 2018, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some interesting news for Dreamcast Fans:
From the dc-swat.ru forum , we can find the translation project of Seven Mansion in English, currently we could only enjoy it in Japanese, but thanks to the great work of Ivan GR , we are going to enjoy a great game !!!
The translation is not yet complete and right now it is over 40% according to reports and also warns that English is not your native language so do not expect something perfect. For me to be playable and I'm satisfied.
Here I leave a video:
<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vZvKkIAexJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></center>
Source: segasaturno.com
More information about the project, here via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=854
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January 28th, 2018, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Got a Dreamcast then if you have it seems that more games are able to play online these days, heres the news:
The well-known game Ooga Booga is once again an online multiplayer game (4 simultaneous players), nowadays you can only play offline.
You have to give thanks for this great work to Shuouma , a phenomenon!
Mention that with this game there are already 15 games that can be played online (not including exclusives in Japanese) and it asks me ... what are you waiting to play them ??
Here we leave you a video of DreamcasticChannel, so you can see it moving:
<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/k84EFPXKRqg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></center>
Source: dreamcastlive.net
More information: dreamcast-talk.com
via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=852
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January 23rd, 2018, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
The world of Dreamcast seems to be flying again, more games are able to be played online, heres the details:
Fresh from our friends over at Sega Nerds comes the news that even more Dreamcast games will soon have their online multiplayer functionality restored. NFL 2K1 and Ooga Booga are the next couple of titles that will be brought back online courtesy of modder Shuouma, hot on the heels of a multitude of other titles that were resurrected in 2017. Games such as POD 2, Monaco Grand Prix Online and Quake III: Arena have already been successfully added to the library of Dreamcast titles you can now play online with other gamers around the world, and it's probably safe to say that both Ooga Booga and NFL 2K1 will also employ the same DreamPi method as the aforementioned.
more here http://www.thedreamcastjunkyard.co.u...d-to-more.html
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January 23rd, 2018, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
More Dreamcast news and this about a range of new clothes that are sega and dreamcast themed:
Insert Coin have just unveiled their latest line of games related apparel, and Sega fans will no doubt be pretty excited to see that a few different well-known Dreamcast games are represented, as well as the iconic Dreamcast swirl itself (although only in PAL blue).
More Here http://www.thedreamcastjunkyard.co.u...hing-line.html
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January 23rd, 2018, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that the World of Dreamcast is coming back, the company Retrobit have announced that they are releasing new cases for the Dreamcast in a wealth of colours, sounds fantastic, heres more:
With this in mind, firms like Retro-bit have jumped on the opportunity to capitalise on the renewed interest in the Dreamcast, and rightly so. The promise of affordable wireless controllers and VGA boxes has done wonders for the Dreamcast's reputation on social media. We want to go one step further though. Remember the aftermarket multi-coloured shells for the Dreamcast console? Well...why not bring those back too?
There were both official Sega-branded and unofficial Dreamcast console shells available back in the day and even though they were hard to acquire in the era of the Dreamcast, they have become almost impossible to find for a realistic price in the current climate. Only a couple of firms actually produced the third party shells, and these have long since gone bust, leaving the remaining stock to become highly collectable and fiercely contested when they appear on eBay.
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January 21st, 2018, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Basically what it says above, heres the post from the spanish page:
The DreamShell team seeks to raise funds for the hiring of programmers, to be able to finalize its final version.
<center></center>Currently the team is made up of 2 people SWAT and megavolt85 and they do not have enough time or money to do everything, that's why they want to delegate functions.
If you are interested in donating or helping them in the development, you can contact them from their forum.
Here your data to donate and link information, give thanks to user EduardoKmus128 for the notice
WebMoney (s):
BTC: 15w9mkA7Cf4Cy1RD6K2Y5GXfG8JrsFr7vj
ETH: 0xc05544e2036B44caeABaE9eA43DCE1b20eAC638E
via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=851
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January 21st, 2018, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
The out of print archive guys who basically scan old magazines and bring them back to life for future generations are at it again with a new release:
As we go from strength to strength, we move on from Club Nintendo to some Sega loving instead with issue 4 of MegaDrive Advanced Gaming that came out in December of 1992.
As a preview for the full magazine, let's start off by looking at some classic Mega Drive reviews.
First up we have the timeless classic by none other than Sonic Team: Sonic the Hedgehog 2. We move on to a great little strategy gem by Koei that seems to have been all but forgotten over the years: Gemfire. from here, we look towards a couple bigger names as we have a gander at the reviews for Lemmings as well as Prince of Persia for the Mega CD. Enjoy!
More Here http://www.outofprintarchive.com/cat...ming/MAG4.html
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January 14th, 2018, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Some awesome news for Dreamcast fans from our spanish friends:
As you know there is already a wireless controller called Dreamcast DreamConn , but if you get a Bluetooth controller officially licensed and with a more affordable price, it will be ****ing amazing !!! A reader named David from thedreamcastjunkyard.co.uk who was at CES 2018 spoke with the Retro-bit staff and took some photos to stand. David says he saw a release date at the end of 2018 .
via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=849
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January 11th, 2018, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
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