Dreamcast News - The Latest in Emulation and Homebrew is a News and downloads site for Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn and Vintage Sega Consoles like the Megadrive, Master System and 32X, We have all the latest emulators, hack, homebrew, commercial games and all the downloads on this site, the latest homebrew and releases, Part of the
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September 16th, 2013, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.dcemulation.org/phpBB/vie...?f=72&t=102594
This version features a brand new GUI, as well as support for the SD card.
Videos ( divx and mpeg ) now stream with audio playback, around 352x240 pixel video resolution maximum.
CDI Ready to Burn:
<!-- ia1 -->dcmc-v2.1-cdi.rar<!-- ia1 -->
Plain Files: ( For CD and SD )
<!-- ia0 -->dcmc-v2.1-plainfiles.rar
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September 1st, 2013, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
via http://pdroms.de/
Silent Hill: Genesis by lupus is an freeware fan-made adaptation of the original Silent Hill for Sega Mega Drive / Genesis in the form of visual novel, based on Silent Hill: Play novel for GBA. A visual novel is an interactive fiction game featuring mostly static graphics with text. At certain moments the game asks a player to make a choice between two or more possible variants which affect the following walk through. Such kind of games is very popular in Japan, however totally unpopular in the west, therefore Silent Hill: Play Novel was never released outside this country.
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August 14th, 2013, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
This just goes to show you that some old games are extremely valueable, Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Sega Saturn is on an Ebay Auction and with a day to go is already at $228

SEGA's popular dragon shooter series continues with a four-CD adventure for the ages. Blending time-tested Panzer action with some of the most impressive graphics and gameplay the Saturn has ever seen, this installment is packed with mysteries and puzzles. Hop on board your morphing dragon and get ready to travel through some the most darkly beautiful terrain ever. You'll encounter some pretty interesting characters, some friends, some foes, as you try to solve an age-old mystery. One of the most in-depth role-playing games ever created, Panzer Dragon Saga is a lushly detailed masterpiece for gamers of all skill levels. Released in Japan under the title Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG
Heres the auction : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Panzer-Drago...00945222385%26
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August 14th, 2013, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Over on Ebay an auction has ended for DAYTONA USA CCE NETLINK EDITION rarest USA SEGA SATURN GAME LN, CIB Net Link,
This is the rarest USA Sega Saturn game, only available via mail order,
directly from Sega of America. Game is Like New: bought new, and
played once or twice, max. See photos for details. CD has some fine
micro scratches on the back, very hard to see, standard for a CD of
this era. They don't even show up in photos. Case is basically like new.
I'll be happy to take more photos, or answer any questions - just message me. Thank you!
Check it out here --> http://www.ebay.com/itm/DAYTONA-USA-...-/300945222385
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August 13th, 2013, 10:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=634#comments
New revision of Demul emulator, but this time is a version with small corrections: * DX11: add read fb to dc vram * DX11: bilinear and textcoord clamp / flip fixes (Samurai6 shadows, Xtreeme Sports title, etc) * DX11: clip mode September without GroupEn bit (18Wheleeler map, checkme) modvol clip * DX11: fix mips 1x1 in 16bit and IDX8 textures (road marks in sonic2); miplevel clamp; join texture like decoders * DX11: fix aspect ratio (need test) * DX11 : fix holes modifier * DX11: fix scaling with RTT * DX11: fix z plane generation * DX11: force background deptmode to 7 * DX11: hw-like trilinear filter, Optimise shadow * DX11: network sort option * DX11: use clip for RenderDepth (fixes arcade 18Wheelerer), only shadow RenderDepth poly (fix Xtreme sports), UV clamp / flip / wrap inside TextureSample () (fixes textures gaps), always use colored clamp (Rumble Fish Attract), all processing fog after shading calc * DX11 : use mipmap adjust, add supersample (not working) * Hikaru: NASCAR boot in public build * Hikaru: Error mapping sram fix, now pharrier can bookkeep (issue # 54) * listxml generation fixes * NAOMI: Crazy Taxi debug ctrls * NAOMI: a bit better Alien Front controls * SPU: fix status cdda September to GD-ROM * SPU: fix sonic adventure loop sound (from rev 1809 refix) * SPU: return old ADPCM decoder * full rewrite aica DSP As you can see, most fixes are for the DirectX11 graphic plugin. I have already in our downloads!
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August 13th, 2013, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.dreamcast.es/news.php?readmore=635#comments
I know it is not a Sunday dreamcastero, Buuut there Dreamcast.es friend for years now, and what better gift than 2 (yes yes, 2!) Dreamcasteros ports! Okay, not new, but also are necessary not to forget! : D Warlord Warlord is a first-homebrew, although not the first as it did in KOS and libdream. Specifically, by Nathan Whitehead on March 13, 2002. There are 4 castles made of bricks in the 4 corners of the screen. In the center of each castle there the throne. Each player has a paddle that rotates around the castle. A ball is traveling, and everyone has to try to defend against it. * What you have here is a rewritten version of the game, using KOS 2 (TA code for updating the PVR, and the new Maple). * In addition, we added a 50/60Hz selector A video fact DCEric previous version comes in handy!
<center><iframe height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SeAyfSJ9gco" frameBorder="0" width="420" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
The best, always at the end! xRick videojueguil is a true classic, ported to many systems, and is still a tremendous game! For those who do not know, I challenge you to make a game in your browser, with HTML5 ! http://www.bigorno.net/xrick/xrickjs/
</center><center><iframe height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/WJTfT9ENzY0" frameBorder="0" width="420" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></center>
And as you know the scene veterans, this game was on Dreamcast. There was a good discussion in the time between Metafox, IMR and reaper ... will not go into detail (look at DCemulation). Leveraging the source code, I present a new revision of the port with the following features: * Compiled with KOS 2 and SDL 1.2.13 * Most importantly: fixed the game sound through the AROS port (thanks LuKeJerry!). Now listening to 10! * Finally, I attached 2 versions: the one with the ST Amiga graphics (see photo), and the retro version of PC (CGA DOS-version)! CDI To make an image, choose one of both binary and file "data.zip" (not descomprimáis, just copy next to the binary). perfectly You can play with the remote, but if you use the keyboard you can enable cheats, as explained in the web game : http://www.bigorno.net/xrick/ The find in Download -> IberDC. And with that and a biscuit, until mission 8! : D: D
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August 12th, 2013, 07:12 Posted By: Eric
Warlord receives a new port from our friends over at Dreamcast.es. The game sees few changes but might be the more playable version of the game. It was ported by Indiket (IberDC) using the KOS engine. To check out how the game plays you can watch the video below for more information.
You can grab the download here: www.dreamcast.es
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August 12th, 2013, 07:06 Posted By: Eric
xRick got a new port using the KOS engine from our good friends at Dreamcast.es. The game was ported by Indiket (IberDC) and includes fixes over the previous ports for Dreamcast. The audio has been fixed so it doesn't pierce your ear with noise and controls feel more accurate. There is two versions that come in the package which include the Atari ST version and PC version. You can watch the video below which shows both versions side by side.
You can download the games at www.dreamcast.es
xRick (IberDC)
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August 8th, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
A year ago Sega restructured its Western business, with a bigger emphasis on digital content and more attention given to its core IPs. Did it work?
MCV quizzed European chief Jurgen Post to find out...
We are one year on from the restructure. What’s the progress been since? Did the revamp work?
We wrapped it all up last summer. All those changes reorganised us around the core IP – Football Manager, Sonic, Total War and Aliens – and that has worked well.
But the big news since was that we bought THQ’s studio Relic. One of the goals when we restructured was to add to our IPs and now we have Company of Heroes and Warhammer alongside the other four pillars. Relic is another PC studio, but that’s what we are good at. It was a match made in heaven and we understand their strategy. It may seem to be a niche segment to some but we understand it very well. And walking into Relic’s office was like walking into Creative Assembly – the same atmosphere and the same type of people.
Sega is a PC expert. But lots of excitement now is focused on the new consoes. Do those devices matter to Sega any more?
Of course all the consoles matter, and we are developing for them. We have an agreement with Nintendo and are developing three Sonic games for them, for instance.
The next-gen console market is exciting and we are following it closely. We have a lot of PC studios, and in that sense you might say we are very prepared. If, as many say, these next-gen machines really are more like PCs than ever then we have a lot to take advantage of in terms of technology. The PC base certainly makes it feel much easier for us.
And as for the genres we are in, we could think of maybe porting an RTS title at some point to a next-gen platform. Technology is changing so much, with voice commands and input devices, that especially for a genre like the RTS there’s an opportunity. Diablo is going there, after all, so it looks like there is a console market for what we do.
What about the deal with Nintendo and the Sonic games?
We have Sonic: Lost World on Wii U and 3DS and then Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics later in the year too. Plus there is a third game we haven’t announced.
Historically Sonic games have always sold very well on Nintendo platforms, so it’s a good fit. And Nintendo and Sega have always worked together in a positive way – the first game Sonic debuted on after we stopped making hardware was a Nintendo platform.
"[Wii U sales are] a concern. But I certainly
hope Sonic can help. The Lost World might
just be our best Sonic game yet, it is one of
the games that can help them. I saw Nintendo’s
briefing at E3 and it has a very strong line-up
of games for Wii U. I think it’s helping people
think that things might change."
Do you have any concerns that Wii U has been slow to pick up? Can Sonic turn that around?
Oh yes, it is a concern. But I certainly hope Sonic can help. The Lost World might just be our best Sonic game yet, it is one of the games that can help them. I saw Nintendo’s briefing at E3 and it has a very strong line-up of games for Wii U. I think it’s helping people think that things might change.
And look at what happened on 3DS. At E3 Nintendo pointed out that 3DS did 400,000 in the first week, then it dropped below 100,000 for the next few months, then they dropped the price.
Now, Nintendo hasn’t said it will drop the price of Wii U, but why point this out otherwise? So who knows, maybe there’s a bigger plan in the back of their heads and they just aren’t ready to talk about it. There’s a lot of next-gen noise at the moment Nintendo has to wait through.
You call Lost World ‘the best Sonic game yet’, but you were very down on Sonic a few years ago. So what’s changed?
We started to make quality the number one priority. Even in the back catalogue: if we had Sonic games with low quaity, or a bad Metacritic, we took them off the shelf. We focused on the core game – not offering all that back catalogue deals when a new game comes out.
I think we’re seeing the results of that now.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed had good Metacritic scores last year and the last few years the Sonic games have had better and better reviews. We’re on the right track with Sonic.

After buying Relic is there desire to add more studios?
We’re always looking for opportunties and if something came along we would go for it. We’re still looking – and we are looking at some but I can’t tell you what they are.
Fortunately Sega Sammy is a healthy company so we can do it. Last year we changed the organisation and are now on the right course. If we can add another brand or studio to that, we’d be on the way to being a whole new company.
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August 4th, 2013, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
The Neo2 Pro Manager v1.32 released [23th.July 2013]
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,7645.0.html
* The v1.32 can support SMS4 / MD / N64 / SNES / PC-Engine / SEGA MKIII / NeoGeo MagicKey (use neo_kit_kernal) / NeoFlash2(pro) / Neo3-SD etc. devices.
* Fixed the SMS4 can't support special symbol with the nds cart title name like "/" & ":" when try to dump the NDS cart.
* Fixed the issue of when try to backup Neoflash cart SRAM save data to PC, can't create the backup file.(note: please don't save to Driver C
* Now can detect the NEO3-SD cart and show in the bottom status line, but need to use "Menu Write" function to write the data to it in the "Memory" section still.
* Added the SNK magickey menu update files in the Kernal_Kit section,and support auto verify after update finished.
* In the PC-E section, changed the "USA" option to "USA-TG16", to avoid make USA user confuse.
* Fixed the PC-E save cart backup/restore the PC-E game save data function.
* Supported the different myth cart type detect and show in the bottom status line.
* Update the below myth menu to the last version:
SNES Myth menu for SNES update to v0.60
NeoN64Menu for N64 update to v2.6b5
NeoMythMenuDX for MD update to v2.93
thanks: ChillyWilly , mic_ , conle , sanni and all friends
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August 2nd, 2013, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Just found this over on ebay, gotta be a collectors item:

Sega Dreamcast Limited Edition SILVER Console / System ! Boxed + Manual ! Japan ( RGC250710006 )
Description / Condition :
Used, tested and working well. This is a rare limited edition silver console that was only released in Japan.
Includes silver Dreamcast console, matching controller, AV cable, power cord and papers.
The console casing looks very nice over all. There are some very light scuffs on the top of the lid but otherwise it looks nice. No fading.
The controller is working well , all buttons and triggers tested. Manuals are straight and come in plastic baggy.
Box is original with the official "limited edition" silver sticker on the top left corner. There are some scuffs and a bit of wear on corners and edges but no fading.
A very rare item from Japan for any serious collection.
Plays Japanese NTSC games only. Please make sure you know how to power and use this system in your country before bidding. (^-^)
All items are Japanese versions. Items ship from Japan.
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August 1st, 2013, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-20270.html
A new WIP Version of MEKA has been released.
MEKA 0.80 in the horizon...
MEKA is currently being ported to the Allegro 5 framework and the entire sound engine was rewritten from stratch, hopefully fixing the audio issues that many people had and allowing sound to work properly under GNU/Linux. It is still a bit early to release a build qualified as "stable", but check the WIP repository for latest test builds! Help us bring MEKA back to the top
MEKA - ChangeLog
Note: for a more developer/hacker centric ChangeLog, download
source code and refer to HISTORY.TXT file.
May 28, 2011 10:34 pm
Fixed a lot of more bugs.
Still missing:
- sound (completely disabled now)
- proper sync (i think it just wait for vsync)
- various video/blitter settings
Its a bit early but i would be happy if some people would be interested in checking out the code and giving it a try.
I forgot to mention above that NASM is still required to compile under Windows. I am considering including it in the package to simplify deployment.
Jun 16, 2011 11:29 pm
New executable (unzip over previous build full install), i only fixed joystick mapping and running MEKA from the command-line from another directory.
(off-topic: I have now moved all my collection from France to England, sorting it out will keep me busy for a bit)
Jul 26, 2011 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
I couldn´t work on MEKA much last month but here´s a build with minor changes.
- Fixed mapping of ´.´ key.
- You can close the SOUND DEBUG window.
- Fixed Up/Down keys not working in the debugger.
- Increased joystick dead-zone, can you guys check if it fixes your joystick mapping issue?
- Filebrowser: backspace is a shortcut to get to parent directory, and when getting to parent directory the last directory is automatically set as current selection.
- Minor other fixes i can´t recall.
- Various sources fixes for GNU/Linux compilation (untested).
Aug 21, 2011 6:14 pm
Attached a new build
- Updated meka.nam with lots of stuff.
- Fixed ABOUT box crashing.
- Fixed rendering when VDP display is disabled and backdrop color rendering.
- Early TilemapViewer support for video mode 2 used by SG-1000 games, etc.
- Fixed a glitches in FileBrowser when using the mouse to open the ".." directory.
- Fixed light phaser hit position in game mode.
- SMS/GG ROM images smaller than 48KB default to using no mapper.
- Added support for variant of MSX-based Korean 8KB mapper used by Nemesis.
*EDIT* Build updated with a minor fix.
Jan 14, 2012 9:47 pm
Since 2011/11/06 build
- Linux portability patches
- Added Polish language [thr]
- Fixed accent in European languages
- Debugger: added support for SJASM and TASM symbol formats.
- Updated checksum and compatibility list
- Filebrowser: display a JP flag on JP/KR or JP/TW releases in database.
Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
This version adds support for breakpoints specified given a ROM address. It reverse map the CPU address automaitcally to find out if an accessed address match a ROM address.
Because I had to change quite a few things in the breakpoint system I am wondering if I may have broken any other features in breakpoint. Please let me knw if you find anything.
- It should work with every mappers (hopefully).
- ROM breakpoints are slower to evaluate than regular CPU space breakpoints.
- The little ´!´ mark denoting a breakpoint in the interactive disassembly is not supported yet for ROM breakpoints.
- Symbols exported by WLA including a bank specification are always converted to CPU space address when parsing. I would like eventually to detect it when parsing a symbol in the context of a ROM breakpoint so that "b rom symbolsomewherefarinrom" would work. However my guess is that ROM breakpoints are mainly useful for reverse engineering and not much for development so it doesn´t feel like a priority.
2012 2:37 pm
This is a fix of the build above (there was a crash under certain conditions using the ROM breakpoints functionalities).
I also added a new "STACK" command which display stack memory in a way to help visualize return addresses or other values.
Feb 16, 2012 12:39 am
This build adds support for about ~15 new dumps that should be released within the month.
Dec 16, 2012 4:17 pm
Changes since the 05/05 build:
- Updated checksum and compatibility lists.
- Updated Dutch translation
- TilemapViewer: better support for graphics mode 2.
- TilemapViewer: support for 256x256 tilemap used in PAL/SECAM wide screen mode.
- Debugger: Added a "Reload Symbols" menu option.
- Fixed Sports Pad emulation (it´s still quite tedious to use but it works).
- Configuration file is created early on startup if missing (because Unix/Mac builds have no interactive setup).
- Lots of code cleanup and portability/compilation fixes.
Jul 22, 2013 10:06 pm
Changes since the Dec 16 build:
- Fixed broken parsing of meka.pat
- CheatFinder: removed "reduce" button and streamlined interface.
- Debugger: Disassembler decode labels in ´RST xx´ instructions.
- Debugger: Added VARS command ("Variables") to display content pointed by symbols in RAM.
- MemoryEditor: fixed display of address when number of columns is not 16.
- Updated checksum and compatibility lists.
*UPDATED* Extras:
- Debugger: Referring to a symbol using with the : prefix (in the form ":xxxx") returns the ROM address instead of the CPU address.
- Debugger: Better support for 24-bits constants.
Jul 23, 2013 11:58 am
- Updated from Allegro 5.0.2 to 5.0.9 - I think this made the package bigger so also I compiled and packaged this one from my work computer so there may be other things involved. Let me know if this is working better!
- Fixed :label rom address calculation (thanks Calindro).
Jul 24, 2013
- Disassembler decode symbols given their full ROM bank mapping (if bank information is provided by symbol file).
- Debugger is always available at runtime. Obsoleted /DEBUG command-line parameter.
- Tidied up menu entries. Menus are now displaying shortcuts.
Discontinued ALT+P (=F12) and CTRL+X (=F10) shortcuts.
- Including Allegro binaries in repository, it should now be possible to compile the Windows version with Visual Studio 2008 with zero configuration step
- Added a batch script ´tools/dist_bin_win32.bat´ to create binary Win32 package in one step, including UPX and ZIP tools in repository.
Jul 25, 2013
- Fixed disassembly view from showing symbols not at PC position.
- GUI: Fixed checks position in menus.
- Text input : Pressing DEL key in a text input box delete the character ahead of cursor.
- Text input : fixed losing cursor when getting out of bound using Right arrow.
MEKA 0.74 WIP xxxxxxxx
- (Win32) Updated project file to Visual Studio 2008 format + compilation fixes.
- (Win32) Updated Allegro library to 4.2.3 (using precompiled binary from ´allegro-msvc9-4.2.3´).
- (Win32) Updated LibPNG library to 1.2.8 (precompiled binary package included in repository).
- (Win32) Including minimal DirectX 7.0 package (precompiled binary package ´dx70_min´ included in repository)
because newer DirectX SDK tends to cause problem with 4.2.x Allegro branches.
- SC-3000:
- Fixed the ´:´ (colon) key not working on Sega Keyboard emulation under certain host keyboard/OS configuration. [Omar]
- GUI:
- Added Taiwanese flag (for DB and File Browser). [Omar]
- Added and modified entries in the checksum and compatibility lists. [Omar]
Some particular renaming includes:
SMS - 84665648 - Great Soccer (JP) [Hack] --> Great Soccer (TW)
SMS - 656d1a3e - Hokuto no Ken [BAD] (CH) --> Hokuto no Ken (TW) [Hack] (the "bad" data is on the original cart, but this version has additional modifications)
SMS - 69538469 - Monopoly [A] --> Monopoly (US)
SMS - 026d94a4 - Monopoly [B] --> Monopoly (EU)
SMS - 311d2863 - Prince of Persia [SMS-GG] [A] --> Prince of Persia [SMS-GG] (US)
SMS - 45f058d6 - Prince of Persia [SMS-GG] [B] --> Prince of Persia [SMS-GG] (EU)
SMS - 01686d67 - Suho Cheonsa (KR) --> Suho Jeonsa (KR)
SG1 - 868419b5 - Champion Golf [A] --> Champion Golf [cart]
SG1 - 5a904122 - Champion Golf [B] --> Champion Golf [card]
SG1 - fdc095bc - Doki Doki Penguin Land (HK) --> Doki Doki Penguin Land (TW)
SG1 - 60f30138 - Dragon Wang [B] --> Dragon Wang [v0]
SG1 - 7c7d4397 - Dragon Wang (TW) --> Dragon Wang [v0] [chinese logo] (TW) (because a second Taiwanese version exists)
SG1 - 99c3de21 - Dragon Wang [A] --> Dragon Wang [v1]
SG1 - bd24d27b - Flicky --> Flicky [v0]
SG1 - 191ffe0a - GP World [A] --> GP World [v1]
SG1 - 191ffe0a - GP World [B] --> GP World [v0]
SG1 - 6d909857 - Mahjong --> Mahjong [small 1983]
SG1 - 8572d73a - Monaco GP [24k] --> Monaco GP [24k] [v0] [40k map]
SG1 - da2d57f3 - Monaco GP [32k] --> Monaco GP [32k] [v1] (provision for newly found [v2] build).
SG1 - 37fca2eb - Pitfall II ~The Lost Caverns~ [A] --> Pitfall II ~The Lost Caverns~ [v0] (dumps and versionning finally confirmed)
SG1 - 3db74761 - Pitfall II ~The Lost Caverns~ [B] --> Pitfall II ~The Lost Caverns~ [v1]
SG1 - 160535c5 - Wonder Boy [A] --> Wonder Boy [v0]
OMV - 90160849 - James Bond 007 --> 007 James Bond
GG - f85a8ce8 - 5 in 1 Fun Pak --> 5 in One Fun Pak
GG - a6bf865e - Beavis and Butt-Head (MTV´s) --> Beavis and Butt-Head (MTV´s)
GG - 3858f14f - Beavis and Butt-head (MTV´s) (US) --> Beavis and Butt-head (MTV´s) (US)
GG - 03d28eab - Crayon Shin-chan - Taiketsu! Tankam..--> Crayon Shin-chan - Taiketsu! Kantamu Panic!! (JP) (embarassing typo)
GG - 7ec95282 - Madoh Monogatari A [...] Bake~shon --> Madoh Monogatari A - Doki Doki Vacation (JP)
GG - 4e279baa - PGA TOUR Golf 2 --> PGA TOUR Golf II
GG - 786dd67b - Skweek (JP) --> Skweek [BAD] (JP)
GG - 88618afa - Tails´ Sky Patrol (JP) --> Tails´ Skypatrol (JP)
GG - e678f264 - Yogi Bear [Proto] --> Yogi Bear in Yogi Bears Goldrush [Proto]
Other smaller changes not recorded, please refer to meka.nam SVN history for exact changes.
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August 1st, 2013, 14:00 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.dcemulation.org/?title=Main_Page
Tonight, I have released version 2.0 of the Sylverant PSO Patcher. Sylverant PSO Patcher is a boot disc that will automatically detect and patch (in memory, of course) GD-ROM versions of PSO to connect to the Sylverant PSO Server. This new version is basically a complete rewrite and has a few bugfixes and new features, detailed below:
- Added support for patching the hostname in and booting the PSO Network Trial Edition.
- Added support for patching in the music for the Palace and Spaceship stages into the main bgm table. This way, quests that use these stages in non-battle mode (Prospective Horizons on Altimira) can use the correct background music. This patch is optional. When you see the note about pressing Start for all patches or A for not patching the music, this is what is being referred to.
- Fixed booting of many import games that would not boot with the older version. This version still won’t boot Windows CE-based games, but it hopefully will work with just about any other game you throw at it, if you choose to use it as an import boot disc.
- Finally, and most importantly, this release fixes the issues with battle mode timing out immediately on all Dreamcast versions when using the patcher. No, there was never any bugs in the server with regard to this, which is why it worked for people that used PALv2 and didn’t use the patcher at all.
Due to that last fixed issue, it is recommended that all users update to the new patcher if they ever intend to play in Battle mode.
You can find the downloads on the Downloads page on the Google Code project. As with previous versions, there are downloads for the source code, plain files, and a self-booting CDI image.
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