Dreamcast News - The Latest in Emulation and Homebrew is a News and downloads site for Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn and Vintage Sega Consoles like the Megadrive, Master System and 32X, We have all the latest emulators, hack, homebrew, commercial games and all the downloads on this site, the latest homebrew and releases, Part of the
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May 3rd, 2004, 22:16 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
My good pal the king of the DCEmulation site, Dr Zoidberg posted this news:[br][br]ice88 has posted news of a new Robotron/Smash TV inspired game that he has been working on & that will hopefully find it's way onto the DC in the not too distant future, here's what he had to say about it:[br][br]"Well, I've been working on something new - you never know, maybe I will get this one finished[br][br]If you have feedback I'd like to hear it - there are graphical problems with this PC based demo (z-ordering problem) and no sound - rest assured, the DC version doesn't have those problems and has sound! [br][br]The graphics come from a PC re-make of robotron by Tevor 'Smila' Storey and I am fully authorized to use them - he has done some fantastic remakes of classic games, check out his site too on: http://www.merseyremakes.co.uk/"[br][br]You can find the download for the DC-RTronic PC teaser & also leave him feedback about the game in this DCEmu forum topic.
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May 3rd, 2004, 15:12 Posted By: xboxlord
As you know i am the owner of xboxland.com , I was wondering if you would like to affiliate xboxland and xboxhomebrew. I am building a small network and need affiliates [respectable ones] and xboxhomebrew is a respected and well designed website. ;D
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May 2nd, 2004, 16:06 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
After a request from Maximo, and numerous attempts at converting the Vorton ELF file to BIN format, greay finally accomplished that feat. From there, it was a simple matter of creating an SBI archive and CDI image.[br][br]Now, Vorton is available from DCStuff in two different formats: SBI and CDI. The CDI link is located within the description of the SBI.
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May 2nd, 2004, 11:52 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Over at Play Asia they have news of some new games for the Dreamcast. Heres the names of the games:[br][br]Orange Pocket[br]Orange Pocket [Limited Edition][br]Cherry Blossom[br]Cherry Blossom [Limited Edition][br][br]I cant tell you much about them as they are Japanese games but its still great that the Dreamcast is still getting commercial releases even now.[br][br]
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May 2nd, 2004, 11:17 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Our very good friend Ron the webmaster of Spanish Party 2004 has posted some great news about the contest and prizes on offer. Heres the scoop:[br][br] Gifts to visitors (Lottery) [br] [br]Pad official Dreamcast [br]Dreamcast VMU Blue transparent [br]Dancing ground Dreamcast [br]Space Channel 5 JAP [br]Sonic Adventure 2 Birthday pack [br]DreamParaPara (Genial) [br] [br](Expositor + Laboratorio + Demo + Desarrollo + PresentaciĂłn) [br] [br]1ST PRIZE EXPO + LAB + DEV : [br]Treamcast (Portable Dreamcast with 7,5 inches colour screen) [br] [br]2ND PRIZE EXPO + LAB + DEV : [br]Memory 4x official Dreamcast [br]Keyboard official Dreamcast [br]Mouse official Dreamcast [br]Dreamcast green transparet cover [br] [br]LABORATORY [br] [br]1ST PRIZE LAB [br]Keyboard official Dreamcast [br]Mouse official Dreamcast [br]Dreamcast green transparet cover [br]Dreamcast VMU Transparent Blue [br] [br]2ND PRIZE LAB: [br]Keyboard official Dreamcast [br]Mouse official Dreamcast [br] [br]CODERS [br] [br]1ST PRIZE CODER : [br]Memory 4x official Dreamcast [br]Dreamcast Coders Cable [br]Mouse official Dreamcast [br]Keyboard official Dreamcast [br] [br]2ND Prize CODER : [br]Keyboard official Dreamcast [br]Mouse official Dreamcast [br] [br]CATEGORIE GAMER (All dĂ*sciplines) [br] [br]1ST PRICE GAMER : [br]FIsh Pad official Sega + 2 game [br]Dreamcast VMU Transparent Blue [br] [br]2ND PRIZE GAMER : [br]Pad official Dreamcast [br] [br]Dancing Prizes [br] [br]1ST PRICE DANCE - GAMER : [br]Dancing Platform Dreamcast [br] [br]2ND DANCE - GAMER : [br]Maracas Cha Cha Amigo [br][br]Get more info from this Forum Topic
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May 2nd, 2004, 11:11 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
This version of the site is a test bed for greater things to come, ive so many ideas for the ultimate site that it gives LyonHrt and the others admins Migraines :P[br][br]Anyway if you have a Dreamcast site and you would like our news on your site or on your desktop our RSS feed can be found here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/news/rss.xml[br][br]On the forums i installed a rather neat but basic mod for the Yabb forum that gives you a personal homepage/blog type thing (for want of a better word)[br][br]Now we at this site want to promote the Dreamcast scene to the Max, and if you look up at the left hand column (over there :P) you will see the Dreamcast alive and Kickin picture, well from now on i want to use that space for promoting other Dreamcast sites. Your image must not be flash and the size will be 120x120 pixels and i would prefer to keep the actual size of the image as low as possible but we want your sites to get some attention off us, so start submitting (obviously no sites with any content which is inappropiate)[br][br]Any questions please ask in the comments below.[br][br]On with the normal news.
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May 1st, 2004, 00:01 Posted By: ron
Dear friends.
This afternoon , collaborating with Ivan, we had compiled a new version of his DCEmu, and our surprise was incredible, we booted LinuxDC and we could run lot of things in speeds between 4 and 8 FPS. A great advance for a great work. Visit Spanish Party 2K4 MadriDC site to see the screenshots and comments.
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April 30th, 2004, 16:08 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
After Wraggster posted this news first yesterday on dcemu.co.uk, we now have some more news which was posted on our forums, by _tyrell_ on the progress of the emu speccyal'K.[br][br]Currently:[br][br]File browser : completed [br]Options screen : completed [br]Z80 Cpu core : completed [br]48k emulation : completed [br]128k emulation : completed [br]Virtual keyboard : completed [br]Custom keys : implemented but not tested yet [br]File loading routines : currently tested (SNA are working) [br]Sound : not done yet (will include 128k sound as well) [br]Rendering : complete (using pvr - thanks to Pascal Bosquet - will offer bilinear filtering option on/off) [br]Joystick emulation : Kempston/fuller/sinclair1/sinclair2 and cursor ok! [br]VMS support : not done yet (options and custom keys will be saved on the memory card) [br][br]Next week I'll try to emulate sound, enhance speed (still a bit too slow but it's a straight port so no special optimization has been done) and implement VMS support.[br][br]You can visit the site here.[br][br]Source: forum.
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April 30th, 2004, 00:50 Posted By: Propeller
Hi there,
the MadriDC website has finally selected a logo from the contest, and it has been the one done by me and my wife, Pimkin... lol... check it at www.unixmar.com frontpage.
Also, the prices of the tickets have been revealed, and they will be the following:
Visitors: 12€
Developers taking part on the various contests: 22€
Sellers and exhibitors: 30€
And for general announcement: There will be a Treamcast console for the winner of the great contest!!!!!! And international coders are welcome there, so go and buy a ticket for that contest!!!!!
You will be able to buy the tickets at www.hardcore-gamer.net in the following days, via ssl.
Thanks a lot for you time and attention!
Kind regards,
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April 29th, 2004, 23:46 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Brandon has updated his page with news regarding his commercial homebrew game Inhabinants.[br][br]"Well, Inhabitants DC is 99% complete. All that is left is some housekeeping internaly, and a buttload of testing, but here is some rather exciting news. [br][br]Inhabitants is being sold on Lik-Sang [br]Holy crap. [br][br]Thats just amazing. "[br][br]Source: http://www.sevensoupcans.com[br]Related link: lik-sang.com
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April 29th, 2004, 21:47 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
DCStuff has released 5 new SBI's (4 of which were requested on Sbiffy!). The new SBI's are as follows:[br][br]SarienDC v1.1[br]DreamSpec v1.0[br]VMU Tools 0.54[br]Battery[br]Giana's Return v0.90[br][br]None of these SBI's have been tested, as of yet. Please drop a line if you test them out, and let us know whether or not they work.[br][br]Those SBI's can be downloaded from DCStuff
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April 29th, 2004, 17:01 Posted By: curt_grymala
Over at Sbiffy!, we recently received a request for JPEG viewer (assuming the user meant Jpeg Slideshow), because the SBI file over at DCHB was a v2.1 file, and Sbiffy! doesn't have an upgraded SBI for this app.
This got me wondering: What other apps/demos/emus/games never got upgraded from 2.1 to 3.0?
Can you guys please help me cross-check the stuff hosted at DCHomebrew against the SBI files on Sbiffy! and DCStuff (I include DCStuff, because there are still a few SBI's on DCStuff that haven't been transfered to Sbiffy! yet)?
I would like to take on the daunting task of upgrading all of the SBI files that were never taken care of. However, I need your help to do this, because there are so many projects hosted at DCHomebrew, and so many current SBI's over at Sbiffy!.
Thanks in advance.
Just to get you started, here are the SBI files that are currently being hosted at DCStuff:
DCStella 0.2f
NeoGeoCD 0.6.5 (and a few other versions)
ImageSlider beta 2
Fenix Compilation
Another Asteroids Clone v0.98
QuizMania Demo
And here are the SBI's I plan on getting up by the end of the week:
JPEG Slideshow
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April 29th, 2004, 15:16 Posted By: ron
Chanka DC makes almost 30 FPS with 3D, and now the sound has been implemented in just 3 days, more news in the MadriDC Site.
Baktery, es un compañero de Garrofi en el equipo de Chanka Coders y tenemos entendido que es un portento en lo que a sonido se refiere. Pues este coder ha sido capaz de hacer que el ChanKaDC tenga audio en solo 3 dĂ*as. Miguel Angel nos dice que aun es muy experimental, pero el sonido, aunque aun les queda mucho por hacer ya es una realidad. Actualmente sin audio el ChanKa DC ha visto incrementada su velocidad hasta llegar a ratios de 25 FPS con 3D, mientras anteriormente solo funcionaba entre 6 y 8. Esto nos dice que garrofi no ha cejado un ápice en el desarrollo del ChanKa llegando hasta los 30 FPS en algunas demos.
En la 2Âş entrevista , Garrofi nos dijo que ahora el siguiente paso era la depuraciĂłn y la optimizaciĂłn, esta noticia nos confirma que se situa como emu de DC #1 actualmente en la Scene DC. Esto no es mas que la confirmaciĂłn de todo lo que nos contĂł en las entrevistas anteriores, al final es muy posible que ChanKa vea un preview y salga a la luz durante la Party. Por otro lado sabemos ya que hay más emus de DC que veran la luz durante los prĂłximos dĂ*as, estar estan, pero bien escondidos....
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April 28th, 2004, 23:17 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Ive just uploaded a new Java Chat Page for people to use to come online and chat with our community. Those who have used IRC before can use the IRC Chat Page which has instructions on how to join us on IRC.[br][br]Why not come and hang out on IRC on the best Network Efnet which has chatrooms for every topic going.
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April 28th, 2004, 22:27 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Ben-J, has posted new shots of dustcream in action, (following Dcemu uk's news yesterday). This time showing shots of the bios working, including showing the Dreamcast menu showing.[br][br]For the shots go here.[br][br]Thanks to Ben-J via irc.
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April 28th, 2004, 20:18 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Heinrich Tillack has again updated his site by adding some more screenshots of his great new Dreamcast game DCastle.[br][br]Check out his site Here
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April 28th, 2004, 19:30 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Some great news from Lik Sang [br][br] We have been reporting earlier about the Dream On Amateur Coding Competition for the Dreamcast. A couple of weeks ago, the winners have been revealed and the two first spots have been granted a very great and unique prize: have their game professionally mass-produced and published. GOAT Publishing is once again taking care of getting that part of the job done, same as they did for Cryptic Allusion's hot-selling Feet Of Fury. A retail price as well as a release date has been set up and Lik Sang is now starting to accept preorders for these new homebrew publications following Feet of Fury's stepstones: Maqiupai (second prize) and Inhabitants (grand winner). Both titles are priced at US$ 14.90 and are expected to be shipping on or before May 24th.[br][br]Inhabitants - Cool puzzle game with 4-players fun mode[br][br]Put your skills to the test as you work your way through level after level of tile clearing action![br][br]S+F Software brings you Inhabitants, where you and up to three of your friends can compete for the highest score! Or play by yourself, unlocking new modes of play along the way.[br][br]Inhabitants features:[br][br][br][br]Various modes of play, each with its own strategies and challenges[br][br]Multiplayer action for up to four players at once[br][br]Four unique tilesets and backgrounds[br][br]Tons of unlockable content[br][br]Maqiupai - Get into Ancient China's crazy mah-jong[br][br]Maqiupai is based on the ancient Chinese game of Mahjong, the origins of which are shrouded in mystery. Some historians believe the game began over 25 centuries ago in the time of Confucius and sailors and fishermen first made Mahjong popular as a card game that served as a diversion to the monotony of long ocean voyages. The cards that the sailors played with eventually gave way to bone and bamboo tiles that didn't easily slide off the tables.[br][br]Today, Mahjong is just as popular as ever and is played throughout the world! Here in Hong Kong, thousands of people are addicted to this game, gambling around the boards in the Mahjong clubs night after night. With Maqiupai, your Dreamcast calls you to the challenge of this ancient game of skill and strategy, with a mix of adventure through the in-game storyboard. Will you be able to remove all of the tiles in each challenging puzzle before time runs out? [br][br]More Info at Lik Sang
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April 27th, 2004, 23:32 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Our good friend Ben-J webmaster of Consollection has given DCEmu UK an exclusive screenshot which you can see Here [br][br]and also this news:[br][br]"A big FPU bug was found and Patate and Nicos fixed it[br]That's why the BIOS run"[br][br]Thanks Ben-J for the news [br][br]
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