Captain Dreamcast wrote:
Today is the day I present to you my newest pet project, the Dolmexica engine. As I may have leaked on multiple occasions, it is a moddable game engine, similar in style to Senile Team's Beats of Rage, allowing people without any programming experience to create their own game. Since I am a huge fan of 2D fighters like Street Fighter III, it was clear from the very beginning that it was going to be a moddable fighter engine, probably best compared to Elecbyte's M.U.G.E.N. Of course this genre definition is the only similarity shared by these engines, as the Dolmexica engine has been written from scratch (using KallistiOS) by Josh Tari (that would be me) and I can safely say that neither Mugen nor BoR were much of an influence for me.
[...]Of course modifying the source code will be possible too, since the Dolmexica engine will be released under the GPL. As a matter of fact, I have to release it under the GPL, since that is a requirement for using QuickLZ for free. Fair trade if you ask me.