And now the fun: in our requests were discussed thread of this game: Skunks ... Well, as proof of the ODE library, here you have for your Dreamcast !
Skunks is a simple car game where we perform acrobatics in the style of the legendary Stunts. The most interesting is that it is fully 3D (very rare in homebrew, right?). To achieve this, this game is based on ... guess? Open Dynamics Engine.
This version only uses SDL (and therefore, does not use any 3D acceleration PVR). Still, his behavior is quite spectacular. Also generate new circuits is easy: D
Changes compared to the original:
- Added initial menu to choose track and car (7 circuits and 6 cars to choose from).
- Added technical that autoruns every time you complete the game, to save RAM.
D-PAD: Move through the menu / control car
B: Reverse
Y: Aerial Camera
X / A: Move 3D Camera
L: Return to the Menu / Exit game.
The download includes the source code and binary.
Note that there are two binary (skunks.bin and dcloader.bin). If you make a bootable CDI, add the two bins and used as the primary dcloader.bin