Quzar ported the lovely Shippy 1984 to our beloved Dreamcast back in 2005 for the DreamOn contest. I was talking to Indiket over at Dreamcast.es about fixing a bug in the game. The bug was that you must have a vmu or puru puru pack in A2 in order to play the game or it will crash after you get hit by a enemies bullet. So Indiket and me spent some hours figuring out what the bug was by doing tests with Nulldc and the Dreamcast. Indiket noticed in the code that you must have a vmu or puru puru pack in the A2 slot of the controller. This has now been corrected by Indiket and you dont need to have any of those devices to play the game. You can also have both VMU and Puru Pack in both slots of the controller to play the game. Remember that not all Puru Puru Vibration packs will work.