August 31st, 2004, 03:42 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Curious news from Play Asia [br][br] Since the release of Shikigami No Shiro II in March this year, it has become rather calm around Sega's Dreamcast™ console - apart from release of a few dating simulation games maybe. Good news today for all Dreamcast™ fans as Sega has announced to re-release 4 Dreamcast™ titles under their low budget DreKore series in Japan.[br][br]The King of Fighters 2002 (DreKore series)[br]Interlude (DreKore series)[br]Ever17: The Out of Infinity Premium Edition (DreKore series)[br]Renai Chu! Happy Perfect (DreKore series) [br][br]Can anything be read into this re-release of games by Sega, who knows