-: Release 1 :-
. Same as PokeMini Emulator 0.27
. No sound/rumble emulation yet
. GFX is optional (But Recommended), load from CD-R, Serial Cable or Broadcast(Untested)
-: Keys :-
Button A = Select File
Button B = Go Parent Directory
DPAD Left = Move Prev. Page
DPAD Right = Move Next Page
DPAD Up = Cursor Up
DPAD Down = Cursor Down
Button A = Button A of Pokemon Mini
Button B = Button B of Pokemon Mini
Button Y = Button C of Pokemon Mini
Button X = Not Used yet (For Shock Detector)
DPAD Left = DPAD Left of Pokemon Mini
DPAD Right = DPAD Right of Pokemon Mini
DPAD Up = DPAD Up of Pokemon Mini
DPAD Down = DPAD Down of Pokemon Mini
Joystick X/Y = Same as DPAD
Start = Power Button of Pokemon Mini
L+R Triggers (Less that 2 secs pressed) = Reset ROM
L+R Triggers (More that 2 secs pressed) = Go to Filelist