December 30th, 2004, 11:19 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Formerly known as bordos/bor dreamcast v1.0032, the released have been updated to 1.0033 and have been changed to name "OPENBOR+". This was created by kirby2000 and he released and posted news about it on and this was tested by Me (DcSteve).[br][br]New in Version 1.0033 [br][br]-Diesound fixed for player [br][br]-New dying animation - ANI_DIE added. To use, add new animation Death [br]to bottom of character.txt file (see bottom of readme.txt for examples) [br]Do NOT include a BBOX or character will re-die everytime he is hit while [br]dying (Unless you are making a mod of the game "Cannon Fodder" [br][br]Dreamcast versions are scrambled and work. [br][br]You can download it from here[br]