September 23rd, 2004, 13:45 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
BlueCrab has updated his ljsdcdev website with a new theme. Here's what he wrote about it:[br][br]Well, as you can probably see (unless you're logged in), the site now has a new look to it. The theme isn't completely done (actually, its only about 30% done), but I decided I wanted to integrate everything further. So, I started working on this new theme. I hope you like it. If there are any major problems (yes I know there are some minor glitches here and there), let me know with the comments link (on the news page) or in this topic (on the forums).[br][br]While I'm thinking about it, the Projects, Links, and History links on the menu don't work, so don't click them.[br][br]