September 9th, 2008, 15:44 Posted By: Darksaviour69
It was 9 years ago (9/9/99) when the Dreamcast was first launched in the West (specifically the US). And as you might have guess we here are DCEmu owe alot to this little white box, not only for its great commercial games but also for the great homebrew scene it created, (that is still going to this day ) and the many console homebrew scenes it has inspired ever since.
Well what going on in the world of the Dreamcast this year?
Well Ron of has been releasing alot of homebrew games and emus recently and I'm sure there is more to come. Our very own Bluecrab is still working away with the Dreamcast builds of yabouse (saturn emu). Also Quzar is alway doing something with his DC (o_O), so I'm sure we will see some stuff from him in the future.
On the 28th we will have a new commercial release for the Dreamcast DUX, which will be the 6th homebrew commercial release for the Dreamcast. And soon after that Wind and Water: Puzzle Battle will be released. So the Dreamcast if far from dead