November 28th, 2008, 13:40 Posted By: DCDayDreamer
The latest issue of GamesTM has a 29 page retro feature celebrating 10 years of the Dreamcast, it contains the history of the Dreamcast from it's Japanese launch to present day. Over at DCEvo we were approached by a journalist some time ago, we filled in a questionnaire and left it at that...
surprisingly enough, some of our comments were used within a homebrew section of the magazine feature, we even managed to name-drop Wraggster for creating DCEvo (thanks again bud), dcemu also features in the homebrew section, Chui in particular. The homebrew section misses out a lot of releases and in particular important coders within the scene, but it does show the scene is very much alive (if not kicking all the time).
General GamesTM readers have posted some positive reviews about the Dreamcast feature, here's the official magazine forum thread: