November 1st, 2004, 14:47 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
This isnt news but it is of interest to Dreamcast Fans, heres what was posted on our forums:[br][br] Just recently version 1.7 WIP beta has been released on PC.. but more interestingly, Felix (admin) one of the main guys behind FreeDo has mentioned on the boards that DC is very capable of emulating 3DO!! [br] [br]Quote from him: - [br] [br]Re: Freedo for Dreamcast? [br]« Reply #17 on: September 21st, 2004, 10:40pm » [br] [br]------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- [br]"guys, just to stop this flame. Freedo can run on DreamCast with full speed. Dreamcast and 3do has more similarities than PC and 3do -- in PC CPU is important part and emulates virtually everything. BUT!!! in dream cast -- CPU can emulate ARM very fast, DSP can emulate DSP of 3do very fast too, and what's important -- w/o resources of CPU. Also PVR2 is probably the only 3d processor which can virtually be used as CEL engine. [br] [br]BUT!!! All this with ONE condition -- somebody need to code all this." [br] [br][br]If thats so, then i wonder if the source to Freedo was available and if someone could take the challenge on. Its very interesting news.[br][br]Heres the Freedo link -->[br][br]Continue this discussion Here