The AtariST emulator for the Dreamcast is now available for Windows and Linux users (Dreamcast Version to follow soon), heres some of whats new:
<BLOCKQUOTE>- Supports MSA & ST disks images.
- AutoFrameskip ( if needed) for real speed.
- Joystick is emulated with digital pad + A,X buttons.
- ZIP support.
- Filemanager with subdirectories access.
- Complete menu with 'start' button: load, frameskip, reset...
- Crystalline Sound.
- 100 % speed and 100 % compatibility.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download from the official site <a href="" target="_blank" >Here</a>, leave comments in the official forum <a href="" target="_blank" >Here</a>.
This should get you prepared for the eventual Dreamcast Release