September 16th, 2004, 04:00 Posted By: DCEmu_Newsposter
Dan Potter has posted in this ]topic about Tryptonite, the game they are currently working on[br][br][i]....I can give a few more interesting tidbits of info. [br][br]One is that there is going to be a music tie-in in Tryptonite. This won't be to the extent of e.g. FoF, but music will play a part in the visuals. Think WinAMP visualizer as a game. It's a bit abstract. This is incidentally why it's taking us so long to find the exact right look (and why there are no screen shots still) but we're determined that people be impressed or we failed! [br][br]I may or may not have mentioned all this stuff before, but our 3D engine (exists and fully working, just waiting for a bit more optimization) does full-color light source shading, fake phong highlights, and environment mapping. Lighting is omni right now, but I am planning to put directional lights as well. You guys will have proof of these claims some time soon... It's been heavily optimized to take advantage of the DC's abilities (like the hardware matrix and dot-product ops). We're planning to make use of all of that in Tryptonite and any other projects that make use of it. [br][br]Finally, I'll introduce our artist and 3D modeler. He goes by Qatmix and you all might know him better as a member of Kudos, one of the third-party music groups who provided material for FoF. He built the initial Tryptonite ship model that's in use on the web site right now and several others (some of which unfortunately got lost in an HD crash... but I have confidence that the new ones will be even better ).