DC News is a News and downloads site for the Sega Dreamcast, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew, commercial games for the Dreamcast and all the downloads on this site, we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.

 Homebrew for Dreamcast Section

Name RadQuake

Author Ian Michael - http://imrtechnology.ngemu.com/


Classic game ported to the Dreamcast




Discjuggler Image Here

New Working Binary Here

Binary - Here

Information and Credits

What's new ?
- converted SDL rendering to 2d PVR rendering (glitches in bottom left corner)
- implemented VMU support for config and state saving/loading (new cvars)
- modified the menu (fixed some bugs and added some submenus)
- implemented characters face display on the VMU's screen (loaded from a 144x160 1-bit image located in /cd/lcdicons.png)
- implemented rumble pack support (new cvars - only tested with Mad Catz's)
- modified Quake common functions to gain some speed (store queues)
- implemented a 50/60Hz display mode selector for PAL Dreamcasts
- implemented screenshots saving to PC (requires a coder cable or a BBA, screenshots are saved to /pc/radquake**.pcx)
- added extra icon for the VMU (ICONDATA_VMS)
- added extra background image for the boot menu (EXTRA.BG.PVR)
- implemented ability to move/resize the screen
- fixed the "quit" option so it leaves the application with DC-load
- implemented a main screen with a disc checking routine (it looks for /cd/QUAKE/ID1/PAK0.PAK)

Known issues ?
- the bottom left corner part of the screen's rendering is a bit delayed.
- the rumble pack functions might not be compatible with devices other than Mad Catz's ones.
- when reducing screen's size in the "video" submenu the player's stats are not properly overwritten (change the status bar position).
- sometimes the game could crash when trying to save a game and the uncompressed data is bigger than the free RAM.

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