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  DC Homebrew Game

Name The Ascension Of Vigil

Author Tyne


A mod for Quake.



New Release june 12th 2005 HERE

InformationNew version of TAoV, this release is a huge update to the game involving many new gameplay changes/combos/bug fixes

List of important changes

- HP Bars removed, they cluttered the screen and RPG and I agreed that they removed some of the games skill
- Vigil's round house kick can now be executed mid-air, this allows for a greater comboing potential
- Diving swallow is able to be executed mid air immediately after round housing an enemy!
- Horror's look slightly different
- Map01 Updated
- Castle.bsp updated with an updated design
- Backflip has been replaced with a new double jump, backflip is only used for the diving swallow attack (off the wall and midair) and recovering from a fall
- Vigil can ledge grab and hoist himself up like in Prince of Persia / Ninja Gaiden (xbox)
- Fixed grabbing so enemies fall out of the levels very very rarely, infact I haven't seen it happen yet; but I will not rule out that possibility
- High quality stereo music! darkplaces only
- Head Smash / Fire Head Smash now knocks opponents around
- Fireball increases the combo counter again
- Speed lines look a lot better and act a lot better
- Many bugs fixed, such as the magic menu being open even though Vigil is dead, animation fixes in strange circumstances and so forth
- Camera zooming has been tweaked
- Firebeam is no longer able to do 100+ hits, it's max is 35; these 35 hits are highly damaging AND it's now able to damage Wraiths!
- Mana increase a lot slower when Vigil attacks, this makes using magic more tactical and allows mana potions to become a more useful pickup
- Hell Knights are weaker then Barons, Barons are a lot stronger now
- Vigil's charge up attack (Hold Z, Release) is finished
- Help screens have been added finally, they're almost finished but good enough to present (Shows move list and spell descriptions!)
- You now must HOLD the block button instead of constantly tapping it
- Vigil's slice special has an additional two hits during the last attack
- Lightning Storm will no longer spam the screen nearly as much with white flashes (annoying...)
- Game now starts up with a small demo

And many more changes...

Try it out everyone and tell me what you think of these updates!

1. Yes, Vigil is still skinny - wait till A) A patch comes out or B) another new version
2. I need to update an entity so RPG will not get angry with me, it may fall into either category A or B


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