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 DCEmu.co.uk GBA Emulators Section

Name Visual Troy Advance

Author - GPF- Troy Davis http://www.storm-studios.net/GPF (not on Site at this time)


GBA Emu for Dreamcast

New High Quality Screenshots :)


Here- Plain Files (Scrambled)

Here- Source

Here- Image with Homebrew GBA roms


This is a port of Visual Boy Advance which i have cleverly refer to as Visual Troy Advance :)

Thanks to everyone who helped get it this far.
BlackAura for his 2d video display code for the menu's
Chui's port of vba32 for gp32
Wacko for his splashscreen
Wraggster from dcemu.co.uk for his contributions to the Dreamcast scene (and towards my new bba-thanks again)

This is a very beta build right now I have removed all SDL dependancies.

Colors for gbc are not right
you can only load 1 rom per session, locks up if you return to menu and try to start a second rom
Sound is not quite right either, clicks and sputters occasionally disable sound fixes that :)

Press both triggers and start to return to the menu and keep pressing start to return to previous menu or back to gameplay.
X = B
A = A
L Trigger = L
R Trigger = R
Start = Start
Y = Select

Emulator support nested directories for roms.

Enjoy, download the source and improve it please :)

Troy Davis (GPF)

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