DC News is a News and downloads site for the
Sega Dreamcast, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
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Homebrew for Dreamcast Section Name
DC Flash Author Scherzo - http://www.sch3rz0.com/dcflash/ Description Flash
player ported to the Dreamcast Screenshots Download Binary
- Here Nero image- Here
Discjuggler Image- Here Information
and Credits DC-Flash 0.1beta by Scherzo Updated 08/19/2004 This
is a implementation of a Flash compatible player for the Sega Dreamcast using
source from the GPLFlash project. It's compatibility and performance are not
perfect, yet many movies play suprisingly well. Movies that use advanced effects
from Flash 5 and 6 or use any ActionScript may not render or behave correctly.
Sound is also not supported yet. * How to use * When making a CD, place
all swf files any number of directories deep in a directory named "swf".
They must be there. The basics of pointing and clicking using the DC's analog
joystick is supported. It's not perfect. Most of the time, moving the pointer
around will temporarily pause the movie. You'll at least be able to "click"
buttons and other similar simple tasks. Pressing the START button during
a movie will take you back to the selection menu. * Future Plans * -
attempt to optimize speed - give user option to map directional pad and buttons
to cause keyboard events - sound * Download * The disc images have
a whole bunch of SWF files that I tested and was happy with how they performed. 0.1beta
08/19/2004 Nero Image Disc Juggler Image Plain Files * Useful Information
* Website: http://www.sch3rz0.com/dcflash/ GPLFlash: http://gplflash.sourceforge.net/ Sorry
for the crappy site. What can I say? What's the point of a fancy page anyways? The Hottest DCEmu Posters