DC News is a News and downloads site for the
Sega Dreamcast, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the Dreamcast and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
DCEmu.co.uk IRC Chat Page
is a guide to chat with us on IRC
You can try our Java
Chat or try the instructions below.
Experianced Users Info
With your favourite IRC Program (We Use MIRC)
In mIRC just type
/server efnet.demon.co.uk (PRESS ENTER)
/join #dcemu (PRESS ENTER)
New Users of IRC Guide
This FAQ has been made keeping in mind that many
people will have problems in
connecting to our IRC Channel. You should follow these
simple steps to connect
to our server.
The way to connect to our channel is using mIRC,
mIRC is a program that will help
you in connecting to our channel and other channels
on the IRC network.
Here, we'll only be concerned with connecting to
the #dcemu channel.
Here is a method of installing, running and then connecting
to our channel using mIRC.
Where you see "Quote Markes" --->
" " do not use/ type them.
1) First of all, you should download the mIRC
program By visiting www.mirc.co.uk
Go to the download page on the site and start the
The file is quite small around 1.1mb, and shouldn't
take more than 4 minutes on a
Standard 56k connection.
2) Install mIRC by double-clicking on the downloaded

3) Now run mIRC, click on Start --> Programs -->
mIRC --> mIRC
Once open close "About mIRC" and
you will be confronted with mIRC Options,
Click in the box where is says "Full Name:"
& enter your name, if you dont want
people to know who your are just put any old name.
Then enter you "E-Mail Address:"
Followed by your "Nickname:"
See Example Below:
4) Now Click on "Add" in the top
right corner to get "Add Server.
In the "Description" box type: DC Emu UK
and in the "IRC Server" box
type: efnet.demon.co.uk then click add.

5) Now Click "Connect to IRC Server"
& a window will appear saying
"mIRC Channels Folder" at the bottom un-check
"Pop up folder on connect" then close
the window by clicking the X.

6) You will now be on the "Status Window"
Now type: "/join #dcemu"
If thats too much like hard work, then just try our
Chat Page
The Hottest DCEmu Posters