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Homebrew for Dreamcast Section
Name AntiPong (Fenix Game for Dreamcast)
Author Chemaris (adapted for Dreamcast by
Pong Game
discjuggler image
Hmm... this appears to be a basic "avoid the
objects" type game. When the title screen comes
up, you have to press Y to select a game. The screen
says to press L or R, but this does nothing. Then
you press A "for facil way" or B "for
bifacil way" according to babelfish.altavista.com.
Facil way starts you with one object to dodge; bifacil
starts with two. It appears that you're an old-style
Gameboy Advance, and you start off having to avoid
a new-style Gameboy Advance in facil mode. In bifacil
mode, there's another handheld you have to dodge as
well. Not sure which one it is though Later on, some
other objects appear and the game gets harder. If
you hit any of the objects or move offscreen, the
game returns you to the title screen and you can view
your score and start another game. Start resets the
unit. X does nothing.
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